Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Rounding Up The First Week Of November

 Wow, what a week folks. Many people around the world are struggling for sure. Locally here in the USA, so many scary things are happening. There have been mass shootings, scary storms and it seems we are getting closer to war with North Korea. I feel we all here in the USA should take a little extra time for your families. Put down the tech for a few and grab your loved ones. Give them a hug just because. Tell them you love them. One thing is for sure. Tomorrow is not promised.

As we look forward and try to plan for our futures, it's a good idea to know what's going on in the world. What can save you money and the ability to do more with and for your family? Solar energy is helping people all around the world do just that. With the cost of solar energy being so much lower than fossil fuels in most countries, there couldn't be a better time to look at your options. So let's take a look at the recent news to see what's happening.

Here we go...

Click on any of the topics below to read the story.





Today, Powur PBC Ceo, Jonathan Budd had this to say on Facebook

We MUST be living in the F***ING twilight zone.
It is now officially the United States vs the entire WORLD for the future of humanity. After both Syria and Nicaragua have decided to join the United Nations Paris climate treaty... it officially leaves only the united states federal government who is saying F*** all life on this planet, F*** our children's future, and F*** our grandchildren's future.

Let's wipe out coastal cities. Let's displace 1 BILLION people from their homes from 4-8ft of rising seas. Let's unleash fires, droughts, and extreme weather on every corner of the globe.
Lets de-stabilize entire countries and regions of the world (PUERTO RICO, CARIBBEAN) introducing decades of poverty from the collapse of their societies from these extreme weather events.
Let's do ALL of this, even as the very scientists employed by the Federal government released the most comprehensive report EVER on Friday that the 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit rise in temperature over the last 100 years are definitively being caused by humans, with absolutely no other empirical or observational evidence of any other source of warming.
We are fundamentally witnessing the insanity of the highest order at the very top of American leadership. Absolute denial. Selling out to fossil fuel special interests to attempt to protect the trillions of dollars of oil reserves still in the ground, despite the fact we are now the ONLY country left in the world still fighting for this bleak, idiotic, and insane future that is going to leave predecessor generations living in unthinkable situations for centuries to come.
What will you do about it?
I cannot understand how we here in the USA are not doing more for our planet! Please comment and tell us how you feel about this. We want to know!

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful rest of your week. 

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