Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Why Solar Energy

Why is solar energy taking over the energy industry?

  In recent years, we have been hearing more and more about solar energy. We hear about it on the news, radio's and about it from our friends. What's crazy is that its adoption is only about 2% in the USA thus far. Some states are moving faster. Hawaii is at around 20% adoption when other states are much lower. 

Recently we have seen major storms hit the US coastlines. Puerto Rico, Florida, Texas are just a few that have seen the worst of it. It's AMAZING how solar stood up to the winds.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico was devastated. The power grid was completely shut down, and many are still without power. I've been told that the only places that still had lights are were homes that had solar energy with battery storage. 

With solar energy paneling now at its peak efficiency, the focus has changed to storage batteries. 
The price has even come down far enough that many in areas like Puerto Rico and Hawaii are able to switch to solar and include whole home storage batteries with their solar system, and the best part is, it won't cost them a dime upfront! Florida has even jumped onboard offering partial home storage batteries with their solar installations. 

Solar energy is now more affordable than ever before. With 0-down financing options and net metering, you can't lose.  

Watch this Video to see why Solar Energy is the best investment you can make. [CLICK HERE]

Thank you for your interest,

CEO- Dave Brown

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