Sunday, December 31, 2017


As we come to the end of 2017, we notice all of the accomplishments that we have achieved throughout the year. The solar energy industry has seen new heights in its adoption. Prices for solar continue to go down as prices for fossil fuel continue to rise. The cost of fossil fuel produced energy is looking to increase as much as 25% over the next few years. Why people continue to pay for it, I can't really understand, but you can bet on it never going down.

Going Green With Solar is due to have the best year yet as Powur continues to add new coverage areas and installers to its platform from all around the globe. The new Powur PBC 3.0 platform continues to innovate and bring more revenue, tech, and opportunity to the table. We are looking forward to the new year and hope you are too.

We hope that you enjoy the information we provide and that you have the best year yet in 2018! Happy New-Year to you all.

Dave Brown
Going Green With Solar

Here are the highlights of December 2017: (Click on any article below)


Tuesday, December 5, 2017


I’d like to invite you to witness one of the biggest events in Powur history. On Thursday, December 7th we will announce the next phase of Powur’s model to accelerate solar adoption faster than ever: Powur 3.0. This Thursday, you’ll see something that we believe will change the world forever, for the better. The people who take action on Powur 3.0 can be the most impactful entrepreneurs shaping the future of clean energy across the world. I don’t want you to miss it because I believe Powur 3.0 will create a massive economic opportunity for the people involved in a way no company ever has. This truly has the potential to shift billions of dollars to people just like you. On Thursday at 6:30 pm PT / 9:30pm ET, you’re invited to watch live as we unveil our master 3.0 plan. Tune in at: For even more information, listen here -->> Register at Make sure to mention that Dave Brown sent you. Thanks, Dave Brown P.S. Once you have registered, please call 1-877-617 6527 to meet up at the event.

Saturday, December 2, 2017


Earlier this month, 13 U.S. government agencies (NOAA, NASA, DOE, etc.) concluded that climate change is real and caused mainly by human activity. There is no question that this is happening... The only question now is: what do we do about it?​ [Read More]


The Keystone pipeline running from Canada across the Great Plains leaked Thursday morning, spilling about 5,000 barrels of oil — or 210,000 gallons — southeast of the small town of Amherst in northeast South Dakota. [Read More]


There aren't many places you can go in Puerto Rico right now without being followed by a certain sound: the hum of diesel generators. [Read More]

Renewable Energy Provides More Electricity Than Nuclear Power In US

Renewable energy sources are now providing more electricity than nuclear power for the first time ever in the United States, according to figures issued by the US Energy Information Administration and highlighted by Ken Bossong’s Sun Day Campaign. [Click here to read more]


November sure flew by really fast and we have a lot of catching up to do. Now that November is over, and as we start our journey through December, we have a lot of announcements and events coming up. Stay tuned for all the updates over the next few days. First, on our list, we have a major event coming up on December 7, 2017. Get ready for history in the making. Register to be in the room live as we unveil the next phase of Powur, a revolutionary approach to scaling solar worldwide.
Register at Make sure to mention that Dave Brown sent you. Stay tuned for more news and announcements. Thanks, Dave Brown P.S. Once you have registered, please call 1-877-617 6527 to learn more.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

From Miami to Shanghai: 3C of warming will leave world cities below sea level

I thought this was an informative article as well. Hundreds of millions of urban dwellers around the world face their cities being inundated by rising seawaters if latest UN warnings that the world is on course for 3C of global warming come true, according to a Guardian data analysis.

Going Green With Solar: Rounding Up The First Week Of November

Going Green With Solar: Rounding Up The First Week Of November:   Wow, what a week folks. Many people around the world are struggling for sure. Locally here in the USA, so many scary things are happening...

Rounding Up The First Week Of November

 Wow, what a week folks. Many people around the world are struggling for sure. Locally here in the USA, so many scary things are happening. There have been mass shootings, scary storms and it seems we are getting closer to war with North Korea. I feel we all here in the USA should take a little extra time for your families. Put down the tech for a few and grab your loved ones. Give them a hug just because. Tell them you love them. One thing is for sure. Tomorrow is not promised.

As we look forward and try to plan for our futures, it's a good idea to know what's going on in the world. What can save you money and the ability to do more with and for your family? Solar energy is helping people all around the world do just that. With the cost of solar energy being so much lower than fossil fuels in most countries, there couldn't be a better time to look at your options. So let's take a look at the recent news to see what's happening.

Here we go...

Click on any of the topics below to read the story.





Today, Powur PBC Ceo, Jonathan Budd had this to say on Facebook

We MUST be living in the F***ING twilight zone.
It is now officially the United States vs the entire WORLD for the future of humanity. After both Syria and Nicaragua have decided to join the United Nations Paris climate treaty... it officially leaves only the united states federal government who is saying F*** all life on this planet, F*** our children's future, and F*** our grandchildren's future.

Let's wipe out coastal cities. Let's displace 1 BILLION people from their homes from 4-8ft of rising seas. Let's unleash fires, droughts, and extreme weather on every corner of the globe.
Lets de-stabilize entire countries and regions of the world (PUERTO RICO, CARIBBEAN) introducing decades of poverty from the collapse of their societies from these extreme weather events.
Let's do ALL of this, even as the very scientists employed by the Federal government released the most comprehensive report EVER on Friday that the 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit rise in temperature over the last 100 years are definitively being caused by humans, with absolutely no other empirical or observational evidence of any other source of warming.
We are fundamentally witnessing the insanity of the highest order at the very top of American leadership. Absolute denial. Selling out to fossil fuel special interests to attempt to protect the trillions of dollars of oil reserves still in the ground, despite the fact we are now the ONLY country left in the world still fighting for this bleak, idiotic, and insane future that is going to leave predecessor generations living in unthinkable situations for centuries to come.
What will you do about it?
I cannot understand how we here in the USA are not doing more for our planet! Please comment and tell us how you feel about this. We want to know!

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful rest of your week. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Rounding up October & moving forward

As we come to the end of October, many of us find ourselves rushing to meet our goals for the end of the year, and overcoming challenges as we go. One challenge we face here in Oregon is that at the end of this year, Oregon's Tax incentives run out for solar energy

Moving forward, we will have to wait and see what happens. Until then, Going Green With Solar will continue on our mission to help the world learn about, and accelerate the adoption of solar energy.

A lot has happened this week in the energy world. Here are some of this weeks news I have put together for you.

Sunday, October 22, 2017


An entire office of 900 Keller Williams Realtors and brokers just added the Powur platform to their portfolio of client services. If you're in Real Estate, get educated about this method to better serve your clients and distinguish your Brand.
Watch here to see what all the excitement is about
Click here
Connect with me for more details or to get started.

Friday, October 20, 2017


The team from the Eindhoven University of Technology took the grand prize at the bi-annual World Solar Challenge this week. The "Stella Vie" was able to carry five people across more than 3,000km at an average speed of 69 km/h. [READ MORE]
Can you just imagine? Not only can this vehicle provide a clean means of transportation, but it can also allow users to feed power back into the grid. That means money in your pocket.  

I have a few friends that think this won't happen for many, many years down the road. I've been telling them, it's going to be a lot sooner than they think. The biggest question that comes to my mind is, What will happen with all the fuel-guzzling vehicles that we have on the road today? What are the questions on your mind?

Disrupt & Decentralize - Find out why I'm so excited to be a part of PowurPBC

If you have been curious at all about Powur, and what this whole disrupt and decentralize mission is all about, please join us for this Saturday's presentation by our Vice President of Sales Bobby Smith. Learn what Powur is all about, and where this movement is heading.

Connect with Dave Brown, Independent Sr. Powur Advisor for details.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

A little about how I got started.

First a little about my story.

Karen and I have been Married for almost nine years and together for a little over ten years. One day, a little over a year ago, Karen and I were on our way to visit her father in the state of Washington. On our way we were talking about solar energy, and how it would be great to build a solar city. A few months later, I was watching a video on Facebook that sparked my interest. The original video talked about this company called Powur that partnered up with another company called Solar City.

Immediately, I thought of the conversation that we had on our way to Washington, about building a Solar City. I called Karen in to come see this video. After about a minute or so, Karen tells me, "You gotta do this!" I said, well let me check it out. So I filled in a few details and soon after, I got a call from a Powur Advisor. He answered all of my questions honestly and gave me a good feeling. So I then started my search to make sure this was a legit company. Sure enough, I was impressed with my search results. This was a legitimate company working to help accelerate the adoption of clean energy.

At first, we didn't have the money to get our license to the platform, but, I moved a few things around and found a way to come up with most of it. The Advisor then did the unexpected and offered to help me with the last few bucks I needed. I was in shock and had never before seen someone believe in their business so much that he was willing to kick me down the last little bit I needed. That told me I was in the right place.

A few months latter, Powur saw a change coming and acted quickly. They then opened up their platform from one provider to multiple providers, and Powur 2.0 was born. Things were really kicking off for me, so Karen decided it was time for her to get her license as well. And a new Independent Powur Advisor was added to the team. 

Karen works hard, and keeps her full time job while building her business with the Powur platform part time. She is extremely passionate about our planet and the environment, and is always happy to offer you information and free evaluations for solar energy.

As for me, I work at it full time. I face a few health challenges and before joining up with Powur, I was supper depressed. But, I found my purpose and joy! I have always loved helping people, and have always carried concern for the environment. I used to feel like there wasn't anything I could do to make a difference. Thankfully, I was wrong! Powur gave me a chance to do something better, a way to move up and grow. Over the last year, I have improved my life ten fold! I can't wait to wake up and get started each and every morning. The personal development training that I get is unmatched. I feel alive, inspired, and motivated to talk to everyone I meet about solar energy and other renewables. I feel the difference, my family see's the difference and I love it! I recommend watching this video to see if Powur is right for you. [WATCH HERE]


This week Target announced a new climate policy and goals based on the Science-Based Targets initiative, including a commitment to source 100% renewable energy in its domestic operations.

Solar energy isn't just affordable to the big companies anymore. Solar is well on its way with residential as well. So many people are now taking advantage of the incredible savings associated going green. Not only can you save big, but you can also increase the value on your home. You see, solar energy systems are an asset to your home. This is because they produce energy. Energy can be sold, and now stored in storage batteries. Net metering is one of the ways this works.   

 Am I Eligible?

Solar isn't right for everyone yet, but let's see if it's right for you. Click here


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Disrupt & Decentralize- A Film by Powur PBC

Learn how you can take part in the biggest disruption & decentralization of the energy industry. Earn part or full-time with our revenue sharing plan.


Why Solar Energy

Why is solar energy taking over the energy industry?

  In recent years, we have been hearing more and more about solar energy. We hear about it on the news, radio's and about it from our friends. What's crazy is that its adoption is only about 2% in the USA thus far. Some states are moving faster. Hawaii is at around 20% adoption when other states are much lower. 

Recently we have seen major storms hit the US coastlines. Puerto Rico, Florida, Texas are just a few that have seen the worst of it. It's AMAZING how solar stood up to the winds.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico was devastated. The power grid was completely shut down, and many are still without power. I've been told that the only places that still had lights are were homes that had solar energy with battery storage. 

With solar energy paneling now at its peak efficiency, the focus has changed to storage batteries. 
The price has even come down far enough that many in areas like Puerto Rico and Hawaii are able to switch to solar and include whole home storage batteries with their solar system, and the best part is, it won't cost them a dime upfront! Florida has even jumped onboard offering partial home storage batteries with their solar installations. 

Solar energy is now more affordable than ever before. With 0-down financing options and net metering, you can't lose.  

Watch this Video to see why Solar Energy is the best investment you can make. [CLICK HERE]

Thank you for your interest,

CEO- Dave Brown

The Powur Revolution - Why $0 Down Solar Could Save You Thousands On You...